Meet Gene & Nan Cunningham,
our resident missionaries!
Gene and Nan have been involved in ministry all over the globe through their missionary outreach of Basic Training Bible Ministries. Evangelism has been paramount to their ministry, alongside the training of pastors and workers in remote regions of the world, where opportunities for basic preparation to teach the Word of God are virtually non-existent.
Pastor Gene spent 30 years involved in pastoral ministry in North America and Australia, and has been instrumental in establishing Bible schools in Africa, India, and Papua New Guinea. When not traveling, he is also one of the teaching pastors at Living Truth Prescott.
Nan has been a constant support and companion for her husband in the ministry, and holds classes for pastor's wives, teaching the biblical perspective of their unique role in ministry. Nan has also developed Bible schools for children in both India and Papua New Guinea. She is also one of the rotating teachers in the women's ministry of Living Truth Prescott, and is the director of our Children's Ministry.
Along with all their mission work and the ministry they provide to us at LT Prescott, Gene and Nan also hold Bible conferences all over the United States. To learn more about their ministry, go to their Basic Training Bible Ministries website at
Meet Faisal & Carrie John,
Grace Bible Church Pakistan!
As a CHURCH, Grace Bible Church Pakistan is more than just buildings used for public worship: We are a family without borders that reaches around the world and upholds each other through loving one another, praying for one another, and forgiving one another. We congregate for fellowship and for face-to-face teaching as men and women read out loud and teach God’s Word in Pakistan.